【A Hot Springs Town Full of Nature】Gunma Prefecture’s Specialty Foods

Have you ever visited Gunma Prefecture before?
Gunma prefecture has lots of mountainous areas like the Jomo-Sanzan (three famous mountains in Gunma), rivers like the Tone River, and hot springs like Kusatsu, Ikaho, Minakami, and Shima. In addition, the agriculture industry, with jyoshu wagyu steaks, shimonita green onions, shiitake mushrooms, and Gunma’s specialty dish, okkirikomi, and the traditional crafts industry that includes automobiles, Kiyru textiles, Takasaki Daruma, and the Tomioka Silk Mill, are flourishing.
And a shop that handles such specialty products is “Gunma chan House,” located in Ginza, Tokyo.
This time, I will introduce the gifts you can buy there!

Mizusawa Udon/Osawaya

〔Price〕500 yen

Mizusawa udon is one of the specialty dishes of Shibukawa city, Gunma Prefecture. With a history that goes back 400 years, Mizusawa udon is one of the three most delicious udon in Japan, the other two being the Sanuki udon from Kanagawa Prefecture and the Inaniwa udon from Akita Prefecture. The Mizusawa udon is characterized by its smooth texture, thick noodles, and refreshing taste. This Mizusawa udon by Osawaya is particularly famous. With a bonito flavored soup broth, you have to try this out! It is delicious even when it is turned into a cold, tsuke udon for the summer or a hot, kamaage udon for the winter.

Shimonita Kushi-Oden

〔Price〕450 yen

Speaking of Gunma Prefecture, it is also known as a famous place for growing konjac potatoes, the main ingredient for konnyaku. These kushi-oden (name for hot pot ingredients) contains the highest quality konjac powders made in Gunma Prefecture. They are very easy to prepare- heat up the konnyaku and enjoy with the attached Dengaku miso sauce pack. You can enjoy both the sweetness of the miso and the texture of the konnyaku, and they can become very addictive!

Kita Karuizawa No-Bake Cheesecake

〔Price〕160 yen

Kita Karuizawa is a popular tourist spot, but with fewer tourists than Karuizawa. However, this is a little-known summer paradise, where you can fully enjoy its beautiful waterfalls, and rivers, and nature. Kita Karuizawa’s no-bake cheesecake uses fresh milk from the Azuma district of Kita Karuizawa, and it tastes very rich, moderately tangy, and refreshing! It is perfect for those who want to enjoy a sweet-tangy dessert!
What do you think?
There are many other specialty foods in Gunma, such as togeno kamameshi kettle rice, yaki manju confections, and Iso rice crackers. With easy access from the city center, every area in the prefecture is very unique, so please take a visit there someday!
Surely, Gunma Prefecture will greet you warmly♡
Written by Reina