【Perfect for gifts】Long established Japanese confectionery store, Taneya

What do you buy for gifts?
I think some of you may think “what to buy for my friends or family…”
This time, I will introduce the most popular items -3 in all- by long-established store, Taneya.

MasuMasu Monaka

〔Price〕150 yen(tax excluded)
“Masu” is “a one-sho measure for sake or rice”. In addition to that, its sound has the meaning of “more”. So it is word trick to say “business prospers more and more (MasuMasu shobai hanjyo in Japanese)” and its appearance is like “masu(measure)”.
When open the box, less-sweet azuki beans and Yuzu azuki’s scent is nice. To enjoy these scents, they sandwiched with tasteful Monaka(Japanese wafer).
Scrispy Mobaka and sweet azuki bean goes well. To enjoy its taste more, drink with green tea. Yuzu azuki is so sweet, so it is better eating with azuki beans one.

Chestnut Manjyu

〔Price〕150 yen(tax excluded)

It is a popular taste since its establishing with its rich and simple scent developed preciously. Its fatty round shape and toasted color is nice, and chestnuts in white bean paste are moist and rich. It is perfect for those who want to try Japanese traditional taste.
The batter is delicious and its toasted color makes me hungry. Its paste is sticky and sweets. Speaking of autumn, it’s chestnut, but this product is selling through the year!


〔Price〕150 yen(tax excluded)
Dorayaki is a Japanese sweet which its rich dough commits well to the quality. It is depending on the temperature and weather so it’s so delicate. Azuki bean and white bean paste made in Hokkaido are in the rich dough, and just one bite will make you happy.
I rarely eat Dorayaki but since it’s less sweet, I could eat it all! Rich paste is filling.
How did you like it? Did you find your favorite sweets?
Taneya stores are in the nationwide department-store. Please buy them if you’re interested in them♡
Written by Reina
(References:Taneya Official HP http://taneya.jp/home/index.html