Collaborative Goods with Mika Ninagawa from LOFT♡

Do you know Mika Ninagawa who is a famous artist and movie director in Japan?

Speaking of her work, AKB 48’s MV “Heavy Rotation” and the movie “Helter Skelter” starring Erika Sawajiri are famous.
In addition, she also takes part in photo books of many entertainers.
With a pop and colourful tone, she makes up a unique worldview.
Last year, she held a solo exhibition in Taiwan, and it became a hot topic.
She is extremely popular not only in Japan, but also all over the world.

Mika Ninagawa’s collaborative goods are now available in LOFT store!
This time, I would like to introduce three items at once!

Masking Tape

Beautiful pictures are attractive.
There are several types, the masking tape in this photo is really cute with warm colour and floral pattern!
I’m sure all girls will like this.

I hesitated to use it because of its loveliness.
The price is 500 yen (tax-included).

Clear File

It has a colourful floral print and has quite a different impression from the masking tape I mentioned above. It gave me a fresh and clean impression.

The price is 350 yen (tax-excluded).
I can’t decide what to put in this file!

Sticky Notes

Personally, I fell in love with a modern Japanese style design at first sight.
The cute and coolness are half in half and that makes it nice.

When you open it, there are large sticky notes on the left side and small one on the right side, so it is convenient to use them according to the situation.
The price is 600 yen (tax-included).

There are still more items besides the three items I introduced above, so please take a look at the store!
Marunouchi LOFT