Beautifying your home. Let us make beautiful interior items with 100 yen products

Hello everyone, do you know about Herbariums?
Herbariums refer to interior decorations where fresh plant specimens are preserved in a special oil-based liquid inside jars or lightbulbs for people to admire.

We can make Herbariums with 100yen products?)

Herbariums use real dried flowers and a special oil, however, doing so will make it quite expensive… With that in mind, I decided to replace the different components with 100 yen products. The cheaper version does not include real flowers so calling it a herbarium may be weird but there are many Japanese websites that contain instructions on how to make your own herbarium with 100 yen components; let us take some reference from them and make one♪

What is needed?

The following are what I used:
1.Container (Use any that you like; I used some small ones and a light bulb shaped one)
2.Artificial flowers(Again choose whichever color and shape that you like!)
3.Liquid laundry starch(Replacement for the special oil; baby oil can also be used.)
4.Tweezers(Useful to have!)
5.Scissors(More convenient if you have cutting nippers!)

Let us make it right away♪

First, let us clean the inside of the container, make sure to wash, disinfect and dry it. To prevent mold from growing ensure that no moisture is left inside the container.

Next, cut the artificial flowers so that they can fit into the container.

Regardless short or long, cut the flowers in any way that you like. The herbarium will look much nicer if you can balance out the flower in the container.

After cutting the flowers, insert them into the containers. Artificial flowers would not be damaged if handled a little more forcefully but let us be careful when inserting them in.

It would be useful if you have a pair of tweezers to help you insert the flowers.
After placing the flowers into the containers, pour in the liquid laundry starch.

Make sure not to pour in the liquid too fast, the point is to pour it in slowly and steadily so that the flowers would not move. If the flowers moved, just rearrange them with the tweezers.
Also, leave a little space at the top of the container; filling the container to the brim may cause the liquid to overflow.

The completed herbarium should look like this. My room is quite dark, so the herbariums really helped to brighten up and beautify my room♪ It is recommended to put them in a place where there is light, making them look much more prettier.
Liquid laundry starch turns milky when in large quantities, so it recommended to make the herbarium with smaller containers.

The components used were all 100 yen items and the herbarium is also easy to make, so please have a try and make one for yourself.

Written by yui