Although it is low price, it is so nice! ~ Eye shadow of media ~

Recently, there are a lot of cosmetics which is like “low price but excellent”.
The cosmetics that are useful and affordable are loved by everyone.
Among them, this time I will introduce eye shadow of “media”.
As soon as it is released, it is became a topic!

What’s “media”?

Media is a self-brand of “Kanebo”.
The concept is “Impression Makeup Series that makes yourself natural”.
It is made for adults in consideration of a sense of transparency.

Bright and gorgeous just using one color

As the product name “Bright Up Eye Shadow” describes, it makes the eyes bright and gorgeous with one color.

 Gold, beige, blue, purple -four colors in all-, and each eye shadow is 600 yen (tax excluded).
Since drug stores such as Matsumotokiyoshi and Sun drugs are sold at 20% off, you can buy one for 518 yen (including tax) ♡
It is a low price that can be realized because it is a self-brand.
It is not a dream to buy all colors!

The size is 4 cm square.
It is a very simple appearance so it does not matter your age ♪
Let’s check the colors!

From the left, it is gold, beige, blue and lavender color.
Everything has good coloring and it is convenient because there is lame!
(The picture is a color applied them several times with chips.)
As you apply with your fingers, the lame spreads out easily.
You can spread it well in a wide range even you use a small amount ♪
Gold and beige are perfect for everyday use and they have natural gorgeousness.
Blue and lavender have the sense of cool.
It is nice to use them on a special day.
They are all fragrance-free.

The concept of Bright Up Eye Shadow

Bright up eye shadows have the concept like this.
“Easy to make your eyes brighter for single eye shadow. Easy to cover dullness.
Convenient for going out so far. ”

Even just doing eye makeup, the impression of a person changes. 
I want to go shopping but I do not have time to prepare slowly … it is recommended for that kind of busy mama.
A lady who does not have time to do her makeup due to oversleep.
I recommend this eye shadow that changes those people easily!
It is good for a girl who will be a university student from spring. It is easy to use and you can get it for low prices.
It has a design that makes me feel like a little adult.
That was the introduction of eye shadows of media.
Let’s find the cosmetics which suits your skin color and taste while the petit plaque products that can be used around the world are overflowing.
Please try it.
(Source: http: //
Written by yui