You’ll Want to Use It Once! Japanese Kitchen Appliances

Hi, this is Payke writer, Reina.
This time, I will introduce Japanese kitchen appliances that I recommend.

【Mommy’s Hand Wrapping Arm】

〔Price〕About 500 yen
Have you experienced that food stuck to the wrap and look bad?
For example, cakes’ whipped cream and omelet rice ketchup stick to the wrap, and sometimes due to the wrap, shape collapse has occurred …
“Mommy’s hand wrapping arm” solves these troubles.

There are three hand shape holders inside with cute face.
Put it on the plate and wrap it from above, it prevents the wrap and dish from sticking with each other. Therefore, it is possible to keep the condition as it is on the plate.

It is very useful! You can purchase it at Tokyu Hands.


〔Price〕About 400 yen
This is the appliance that helps you mix raw eggs smoothly. Every Japanese has the experience that you cannot mix white of an egg well when you eat sukiyaki.
I do not like the white of an egg.
But if you use it, you can mix yolk and the white beautifully!

I tried mixing raw eggs using the yellow rounded tip at the left end. It is important to stir it like cutting it.

It’s amazing…!! The white of an egg which is rough has disappeared, and it looks smooth.
I could enjoy cooking egg meals more than usual.
Because the blade is sharp, please be careful with the handling of the appliances.
You can purchase it at Tokyu Hands too.


Speaking of dishes that are indispensable to Japanese cuisine, it is a bowl. This bowl can be purchased at 212 KITCHEN STORE.
It is pretty easy to use it because it is light and its border design is cute.

【White Snow Dishcloth】

To use dishcloth during meals and after meals is unique to Japan. Among them, this “white snow dishcloth” is a versatile dishcloth from Nara prefecture. Using a luxury mosquito net fabric dyed by Kenro Yuzen process so the material is exceptional. Yuzen dyeing is one of the representative dyeing crafts in Japan. In addition, it has been made with a durable manufacturing method fold and piled them up for 8 times, and it will become a gentle touch as time goes by.

There are several kinds of designs. This cat design is cute and I fell in love at first sight.
You can buy it at 212 KITCHEN STORE too.

【Ceramic Spice Grater】

This is a grater for ginger, wasabi and garlic. It is convenient when you want a few spices. It does not deteriorate the flavor and can be easily cleaned. It is also good that you can wash it with dishwasher.

You can buy it at 212 KITCHEN STORE too.
How was it?
Let’s change kitchen appliances around you and enjoy your cooking ♡