They are excellent! Compression socks from Daiso

Hi, this is a writer from Payke!
This time, I will introduce you to some cheap and useful compression socks from 100 yen shop, Daiso!
They were made popular by their Twitter reviews recently.
In Japan, compression socks normally cost 2000~3000 yen.
But, you can buy them for 100 yen at Daiso!
Then, let’s try them!

Surari Kyutto Compression Socks

First of all, I will try pink compression socks on!
Below are the pictures of the socks.

Deep pink they have on their edge is so cute.
Let me show how it looks!(I’m 165cm tall.)

The socks are graduated, meaning tighter at the bottom(ankle) and the looser at the top.
Pressure is applied to your calf too.
They are a little tight, but they are comfortably snug.
This socks ease swelling!

Stylish Compression Socks

Next, I will try black compression socks on!
Below are the pictures of them.

Let me try them on!

The socks are tighter at the bottom and also at the top.
They are a little tight too.
The socks look like normal black high socks, so you can use it for everyday use!
They can ease swelling if you sit all day long!

Sleep Wearing Compression Socks

Last, let’s try Sleep Wearing Compression Socks on!
Let me show you how it looks like.

The socks have another blue colour.

This is how it looks like when I wear.
The socks are tighter at the bottom too.
And, looser at the top.
It is easier to put them on than another two, because of their elasticity.
They were comfortable, so I could sleep well!
Descending order of compression level: black, pink, purple (with the black socks the tightest)
You should choose your best compression socks depend on your legs condition!
Then, you can feel the effects!

How to choose and use them?

I will introduce you how to wear it!
① Choose the socks depend on your legs condition!
The higher level of compression doesn’t mean good for you.
The socks sometimes cause your blood vessels problems.
② Wear the socks properly!
They come in different sizes and strength, so you should choose the one fits your legs properly.
If you want to feel the benefits of compression socks, wear them properly.
③ Don’t keep them on for a long time!
Don’t wear them for a long time because you will not be able to sustain your normal bodily function.
Moreover, they sometimes make your legs be swollen if you use them wrong.
They bring skin troubles such as a rash or eczema.
When you want to wear them while sleeping, put the sleeping wearing one on.
Please find your best compression socks and wear it properly!