【PR】With a sweet taste and smell, it goes down a treat! Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M

To all you mothers out there, have you ever been troubled thinking “My child seems so unwell but they just won’t take their medicine”, or “Their cold is never going to get better (if they don’t take their medicine)”?

Well if you find yourself in that situation, we recommend Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M. The nurse kitty design on the packaging means you can bring your child their medicine without alarming them.

For children whose cold is giving them a nasty cough too, you can rest assured as this medicine is designed to be very easy to ingest. Please take a loot at some of this medicine’s properties, as well as impressions from those who’ve drank it.

What is Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M?

Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M is part of the second variety of medicine manufactured and distributed by Hiya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

When your child has a cough so severe just hearing it makes you think “Oh how awful!”, when their cough is making their breathing seem painful, any parent would think “I have to help them somehow!”

What will help to soothe such terrible symptoms is Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M. Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M is made with nandina berry extract to make a composition that can calm and suppress coughs or other throat pains.

Some people may know that nandina berry extract is often used to make cough drops, so they’ll be well aware of the soothing effect it has on the throat.

Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M is a cold medicine targeted at 1-14 year old children. It comes in a stick type sachet, containing maple syrup flavoured powder. It can relieve cold symptoms such as a runny or blocked nose, sneezing, coughing, excess phlegm and throat pains, as well as chills, fevers and headaches.

What is Hiya Children’s Chewable Cough Medicine?

This medicine is also part of the second variety of medicine manufactured and distributed by Hiya Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and it too features an adorable Hello Kitty design on the packaging. This medicine is very effective for treating your child without any fuss.

This medicine is suitable for children aged 5 to 14 years old, with a ramune flavour to make it more easily ingestible for kids. For children with weaker bronchial tubes, this medicine is effective at soothing allergic coughs, so you can rest easy there.

As it’s designed to be easy for children to ingest, this medicine can take an emotional weight off of the shoulders of mothers who hate to cause their children discomfort.

How to administer Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M + Impressions

Break open the stick and administer a dosage in accordance with the child’s age within 30 minutes of every meal. For children aged 1-2 administer half a packet, for children aged 4-6 administer 2/3 of a packet, and for children aged 7-14 administer a whole packet.

*This medicine is for children aged 1 and above, so do not administer to children below the age of 1. Additionally, for children below the age of 2 please priorities having them examined at a hospital.

Made with maple syrup flavouring, the scent of maple that comes forth moment you open up the seal is this product’s defining characteristic. Since it smells like candy, your child shouldn’t make a fuss. As it tastes of maple syrup, when you give your child their dose, rather than thinking “Ugh, so bitter!”, they’ll feel like they’re tasting something nice and sweet instead.

As it’s so sweet tasting and not at all bitter, some children might even be OK with ingesting it without something to wash it down with. That said, feel free to administer the medicine alongside a drink until they get used to taking it.

How to administer Hiya Children’s Chewable Cough Medicine + Impressions

Our Chewable Cough Medicine is suitable for children aged 5-14, please take care not to administer does to any children under 5 years of age. For children aged 5-7 administer 2 tablets per dose, for children aged 8-10 administer 3 tablets per dose, and for children aged 11-14 administer 4 tablets per dose.

Since you don’t need to ingest this medicine with water, it’s an extremely convenient option you can use even when out of the house. As it’s ingested via chewing it like food, this medicine almost feels like being given a candy treat. Although it’s not quite as sweet as actual ramune, the ramune (lemon & lime) flavouring of this medicine masks the bitterness of the medicinal ingredients, making it perfect for treating children.

Conveniently this medicine is both sugar and caffeine free, so you can administer it before bedtime to soothe coughing overnight.


Now we’ve introduced the special features and tricks we’ve included in both Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M and Hiya Children’s Chewable Cough Medicine to make them easy to ingest for small children. If you’re worried about your child’s cold not getting better because they won’t take their medicine, then how about trying out our maple flavoured Hiya Children’s Cold Medicine M, or the ramune (lemon & lime) flavoured Hiya Children’s Chewable Cough Medicine?


Hiya’s”Kodomo Sekidome chewable” 〈Cough And Expectorant Remedy〉