Flavorful despite being transparent?! Let us try these mysterious drinks!
Hello everyone, have you ever drunk any transparent but flavored drinks?
The following products were developed in Japan to make it easier to drink other beverages besides coffee or tea in the office. I avoided these drinks in the past thinking that they must flavorless or tasteless. However, seeing the vast selection of them in convenience stores and supermarkets, I was tempted and decided to buy some. Today, I will be reporting to you on some of those products and their taste.
Yogurina Series
First, I would like to introduce the [Blueberry Yogurina] and [Yogurt Yogurina]. The Blueberry Yogurina is 550ml, costing 83 yen (Tax Excl.) and the Yogurt Yogurina is 540ml, costing 83 yen (Tax Excl.).
The moment you open the bottle cap of the Blueberry Yogurina, a faint blueberry scent will spread. The drink tastes like blueberry yogurt, making it refreshing and easy to drink. On the other hand, the Yogurt Yogurina as its name suggests has a yogurt scent and a strong yogurt taste; it almost taste like pocari sweat.
Irohasu series
Next is the, [Irohasu Mikan] and [Irohasu Peach]. The Irohasu Mikan is 555ml, costing 88 yen (Tax Excl.) and the Irohasu Peach is 555ml, costing 83 yen (Tax Excl.).
The Irohasu Mikan has a refreshing scent of mandarins and is not sour at all. On the other hand the Irohasu Peach, has a distinct peach scent and flavor; the sweetness of peach is present but the drink is still very refreshing.
Asashi [Clear Latte]
Next up is the [Clear Latte] which comes in 600ml and costs 75 yen (Tax Excl.). I am used to drinking normal coffee, so among all the drinks, drinking the [Clear Latte] was the most interesting experience for me.
A strong coffee smell spreads the moment you open the bottle cap. The drink is quite sweet but still tastes strongly of coffee. As per the writing on the bottle “Refreshing sweetness for adults”, it is a delicious drink that can be easily enjoyed by adults.
Last is the [PREMIUM MORNING TEA Peach which comes in 550ml and costs 83 yen (Tax Excl.).
This drink has a lighter scent compared to the Irohasu Peach but is still soothing for the soul; it also has the scent of tea. The drink tastes of mildly sweet peach tea, making it easy to drink.
This ends my introduction of the transparent beverages. All the drinks are made with water as a base ensuring that it refreshing and not overpoweringly sweet. It was quite the experience for me to taste some flavors from these transparent drinks and I hope everyone can try them too.
Written by yui