[All under 200 yen] 4 recommended chocolates available at Japan’s convenience stores♡.

There are many convenience stores in Japan and their selection of products are comprehensive; you will enjoy just looking at all the delicious items on display. I enjoy buying snacks at the convenience store and today I would like to introduce the small packages of chocolate that can be bought at the convenience store but rarely at the super market.

Meji [Galbo]

Galbo is my favorite chocolate snack. The chocolate gradually melts in your mouth as you continue to munch on it and, although it is a chocolate, it has a crunchy center. It also has a wide variety of flavors, starting with matcha milk and caramel to other limited time flavors. My personal favorite is this strawberry chocolate flavor; the balance between the strawberry and chocolate flavor is perfect, making it utterly delicious.

A special point of this type of chocolate sold at the convenience store is that it is difficult to get onto your hands; the chocolate has a smooth hard surface. I am really glad that it does not start to melt when I touch it.

Morinaga [BAKE]

BAKE is seems to be like baked chocolate; the outer layer has small pieces of biscuit kneaded into it and has a crunchy texture while the inside is a soft rich chocolate. Biting into it, it crumbles and the flavor of the soft chocolate inside spreads into your mouth; I love the distinct fragrant taste of the chocolate.

Morinaga [Koeda]

Koeda, from Morinaga, is a snack that is widely popular since it was first on sale in 1971. The chocolate is shaped like little twigs and has crunchy puffs added to it. Normally, it is sold in a slightly bigger box, however, I was finally able to find it in this small packaging this time round; it seems like this version went on sale recently in the spring of 2018. There is a coating on the surface of the chocolate that makes it difficult to get on your hand, so you can enjoy your chocolate without making any mess. Be warned though, it is so delicious such that once you start eating, you cannot stop yourself.

Meiji [Otona no Kinoko no Yama]

Kinoko no Yama is a popular chocolate snack in Japan, so I am sure many people know of it. This version, has a bitterer and richer taste, compared to the normal one, to cater to the tastes of adults. The mushroom cap is made up of 2 different layers of chocolate, giving it a somewhat luxurious taste. Personally I much prefer the Otona no Kinoko no Yama over the normal version, so I am glad that I can get this easily at the convenience store♪

How did you like the chocolates?
I sure you cannot wait to try all the different chocolates introduced today. All the introduced products are available at almost all convenience stores. Also, they come in a small packaging and are cheap, so when your tummy feeling a little empty, please buy some to munch on♪
Written by LINA

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